LaTeX and review-pdfmaker

The command review-pdfmaker in Re:VIEW use LaTeX to generate a PDF file.

To use the command, you need to set up LaTeX system.

About new layout file and review-jsbook.cls

Since Re:VIEW 3.0, review-jsbook.cls becomes the default class file.

If texdocumentclass isn't specified, the layout file is switched based on the value of review_version in config.yml. If review_version is 2.0, older layout files and jsbook.cls are used for compatibility.

Changes in layout file layout.tex.erb

The new layout file layout.tex.erb is incompatible with the Re:VIEW 2 version's.

The values of config.yml are converted to a TeX macro, and they are used for class files and style files. This makes it easier (although knowledge of TeX is necessary) to use another compiler other than upLaTeX, or to create your own class files and style files.

Conversion from config.yml to TeX macro is executed in templates/latex/config.erb of Re:VIEW. As a result, the embedded code of Ruby in layout.tex.erb exists only in the following preamble.

\documentclass[<%= @documentclassoption %>]{<%= @documentclass %>}
<%= latex_config %>
<%- if @config['texstyle'] -%>
<%-   [@config['texstyle']].flatten.each do |x| -%>
\usepackage{<%= x %>}
<%-   end -%>
<%- end -%>


In the new layout.tex.erb, content is constructed by defining or changing the following macros.

  • \reviewbegindocumenthook : hook begining the document

  • \reviewcoverpagecont : cover contents

  • \reviewfrontmatterhook : hook before frontmatter

  • \reviewtitlepagecont : titlepage contents

  • \revieworiginaltitlepagecont : original titlepage contents (in the case of a translation)

  • \reviewcreditfilecont : credit contents

  • \reviewprefacefiles : frontmatter contents (PREDEF)

  • \reviewtableofcontents : table of contents

  • \reviewmainmatterhook : hook before mainmatter

  • \reviewchapterfiles : mainmatter contents (CHAPS)

  • \reviewappendixhook : hook before appendix

  • \reviewappendixfiles : appendix contents (APPENDIX)

  • \reviewbackmatterhook : hook before backmatter

  • \reviewpostdeffiles : backmatter contents (POSTDEF)

  • \reviewprintindex : index

  • \reviewprofilepagecont : profile contents

  • \reviewadvfilepagecont : advertisement contents

  • \reviewcolophonpagecont : colophon contents

  • \reviewbackcovercont : backcover contents

  • \reviewenddocumenthook : hook before ending the document

It is also possible to continue using your layouts/layout.tex.erb.

structure of review-jsbook.cls set

When creating a new document folder with the review-init command, the following files are created in sty folder.

  • review-jsbook.cls : provides a basic design of paper representation.

  • jsbook.cls : is a copy of the upstream jsbook. To avoid differences in version on TeX distribution, Re:VIEW provides a snapshot of jsbook.cls.

  • plistings.sty : provides highlight expressions of program code.

  • jumoline.sty : expresses underlining.

  • gentombow.sty : makes bleed box.

  • reviewmacro.sty : imports the following style file. By specifying this file with texstyle parameter of config.yml, all style files are imported.

  • review-base.sty : associates Re:VIEW macro name and TeX macro. Also defines the entity of each macros of layout.tex.erb.

  • review-style.sty :defines visual decorations.

  • review-custom.sty : is empty file. It is assumed that the user adds macros or overwrites existing macros arbitrarily.

Default value of texdocumentclass are as follows.

texdocumentclass: ["review-jsbook", "media=print,paper=a4,cover=false"]

texdocumentclass: ["review-jsbook", ""] (same effort)

About review-jlreq.cls

Since Re:VIEW 3.0, review-jlreq.cls is also provided. This class file extends jlreq.cls which makes paper design based on "Requirements for Japanese Text Layout" ( ).

review-init --latex-template=review-jlreq command copies the review-jlreq.cls set to sty folder.

Handing over custom parameters

For technical reasons, only a small part of the YAML parameters in config.yml is converted to TeX macros. Re:VIEW's internal config.erb ( kmuto/review/blob/master/templates/latex/ config.erb ) ERB script manages this. You cannot change this script.

If you want to give YAML parameters to TeX, you can use your own ERB script that do the YAML to TeX conversion. This is done by creating layouts/config-local.tex.erb in the project folder.

After evaluation and embedding of config.erb, config-local.tex. erb will be evaluated and embedded as well. For example,


  mystring: HELLO_#1
  mybool: true


\def\mystring{<%= escape(@config['mycustom']['mystring']) %>}
<%- if @config['mycustom']['mybool'] -%>
<%- end -%>

will be parsed:

%% BEGIN: config-local.tex.erb
%% END: config-local.tex.erb


Refer to these macros in your sty file.

Important Changes about LaTeX in Re:VIEW 2.0

  • Default LaTeX compiler is upLaTeX, not pLaTeX.

  • The meaning of scale option in @<image> command is changed and configurable.

  • prt is printer, not publisher. You can use pbl for publisher.

about upLaTeX

In Re:VIEW 2.0 released at April 2016, default LaTeX compiler became upLaTeX from pLaTeX. The upLaTeX support Unicode and you can use unicode characters and other characters without otf package.

Almost packages in pLaTeX can be supported in upLaTeX, but some package (such as jsbook class and otf package) need uplatex option.

Default settings of Re:VIEW is below:

texcommand: uplatex
texoptions: "-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -halt-on-error"
texdocumentclass: ["review-jsbook", "uplatex,twoside"]
dvicommand: dvipdfmx
dvioptions: "-d 5"

How to use old pLaTeX

You also use pLaTeX with Re:VIEW 2.0.

To use pLaTeX, You can add these configuration in config.yml.

texcommand: platex
texoptions: "-kanji=utf-8"
texdocumentclass: ["jsbook", "oneside"]
dvicommand: dvipdfmx
dvioptions: "-d 5"

You can use a variable @texcompiler to compare latex command in layout ERB files (lib/review/layout.tex.erb in default). The value of @texcompiler is platex (when using pLaTeX) and uplatex (when using upLaTeX). The usage is below:

<% if @texcompiler == "uplatex" %>
<% else %>
<% end %>

about scale option

In Re:VIEW 2.0, the meaning of scale=.. in the third option of //image command. The meaning in 1.0 is "scale for image file" (1.0 is same as original image size), but the one in 2.0 is "scale for paper width" (1.0 is same as paper widdth.)

If you need the same behavior in Re:VIEW 1.x, you should add image_scale2width: false in config.yml (default value is true).

image_scale2width: false

Last updated